Monday, June 10, 2013

How to learn to understand other people and to avoid conflicts?

Malakhova Ganna, - an integral part of human life. It would seem elementary skill. But it turns out that many people simply do not know how to communicate at the appropriate level, to communicate with people. Some people have developed communication skills at a basic level. Just transfer of sounds, words and information. But it's not all that makes our relationship, because we are not machines. Conflicts and quarrels just happen on that basis. All this has a big effect on our lives. And the ability to properly communicate with people helping dispose of his people, even partly manipulated, and this, in turn, allows you to create favorable situations and conditions. "Understanding - the beginning of consent" (Benedict Spinoza) Perhaps most people lack tolerance and the ability to understand another person.
If the other party has the views or intentions different from our own, then automatically, unconsciously, we tune aggressively towards him. Perhaps we all know how it is, when all of a sudden you find yourself in the middle of an angry dispute, even if the topic is not serious, and the opponent - the best friend. It is important not to deny the right views different from your own. After all, how many people - so many opinions. It is difficult to argue that some of them are more accurate than the other. Just try to understand the other person. Why he thinks so, why he did not agree with your point of view. Think about how to show him your point of view, to explain to him why you practice it. Tell the person that's right. Talk about it. Quite often during a conversation people say one thing and feel and think they are quite different. "The truth - just drink bitter and unpleasant to the taste, but restoring health" (Balzac) in relations between people in general should be more sincerity and truth. It can be assumed that the difference of opinion - the beginning of the conflict. Sincerity and truth destroy distrust between people. Often we are not talking about something human. Because it is accepted or because ashamed to say as it is. But if all the people will be more open to each other - will be far less controversy and skirmishes. It's not that difficult: to be open, honest and tolerant. This position is advantageous not only in the relations of close friends. It occurs and is applied universally. For example, communication skills are very important in business. "Know how to get to the position of another person and understand that you need him, not you. Someone who fails to do so, will the whole world "(Dale Carnegie) The main thing - is to learn to understand the other person. Do not pander to emotions and to take offense, and to speak openly with the man. After all conflicts do not need anyone. Especially when it comes to our loved ones. If you understand the position of the man, and he will understand your - the conflict has run its course. When people understand why there are opinions that differ from their own, and when they understand why they are justified - just not on the conflict than to grow. No resentment and pride. There is an understanding. "Understanding - the only formation that can make the whole world happy"  As is well known, "the language to Kiev." And who is the "language is suspended" - those people achieve much in life. And then do not need to be a certified psychologist or a sage. Sufficient understanding and application in the life of the simple truths that are known to all. People are trying to achieve something in life through the complex and global solutions and skills. But it could be a difficult, even when not mastered basic skills? It's not just about communication. In our life, a lot of little things that have become so commonplace that we do not pay attention to them. The importance of these things forgotten. But all these little things, in general, affect the whole life of man. The ability to understand people, to be tolerant, open, sincere affects all life, for all its spheres. "To change the world around you, you have to change yourself" (Mahatma Gandhi) Man, developing social skills, become wiser. He is always in a good condition, in a good relationship with people. Just as we monitor the cleanliness of our homes - we should follow the order of thought, behavior, manners, and our communication. Changing ourselves, we change the world around us.

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